FeaturesDownloadDonateOther Quran Software

Register QuranReciter to donate towards development and hosting of Quranreciter. All donations are acknowledged with registration code which can be entered in the software.

For QuranReciter
YearAmount Received
2021Total received - $60
Date wise
13-Jan-2021 - $5
26-Sep-2021 - $5
09-Oct-2021 - $50
2020Total received - $70
Date wise
02-Mar-2020 - $10
14-May-2020 - $5
11-May-2020 - $5
16-Nov-2020 - $50
2019Total received - $30
Date wise
01-Oct-2019 - $10
21-Nov-2019 - $10
22-Nov-2019 - $10
2018Total recieved - $75 USD
Date wise
25-Jan-2018 - $50
29-Jan-2018 - $5
21-Feb-2018 - $5
23-Feb-2018 - $10
28-May-2018 - $5
2017Total recieved - $30 USD
Date wise
19-Feb-2017 - $10
06-Jun-2017 - $5
06-August-2017 - $10
08-November-2017 - $5
2016No donations received.
2015Total received - $5 USD
Date wise
30-Aug-2015 - $5
2014Total received - $140 USD
Date wise
26-Jan-2014 - $30
09-Aug-2014 - $5
21-Sep-2014 - $100
28-Nov-2014 - $5
This table is updated after acknowledging each donation.